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Mike Mitz
Senior Technical Consultant

“Mike is an advocate for using different approaches to grow and find what works best.”



  • Security and Networking

  • Storage

  • Project Management

  • Solution Design and Implementation

Mike brings a very diverse background of both skills and experiences of our team. He has formal education in Culinary Arts, Hotel & Restaurant Management, Applied Nuclear Physics and is about to undertake a Masters of Cyber Security. Mike’s extensive range of roles includes general construction labour, flight attendant, master mechanic, food & beverage director, head of cyber security, project manager, IT architect, system engineer, and even a ships’ captain.


Mike was trained in IBM PL/1 in the late 1980’s and spent 15 years trying to avoid the IT industry before being brought back into the fold in 2005.  He has worked on IBM Power architecture for enterprises hosting over 2000 power cores of workload to start-ups consuming 1 core, truly showcasing his range. From end-user services to maintaining and supporting the largest SAP banking instance in the southern hemisphere, Mike brings energy, caring, and competency to any client he is working with. He works by listening to his clients and customers, asking questions, never assuming, and trying to challenge the status quo for the clients’ benefit wherever possible. 


Mike holds industry and vendor certifications in a wide range of fields and IT technology as well as holding NSW security and firearms licenses to support his ability to provide IT and security services to nearly any client within Australia.


Frank Abagnale has been an inspiration to Mike through discovering different opportunities in life and continuing to find what works best for him while always being willing to listen and try something new.

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